Greetings to All,
Hopefully we are out of the COVID years of interruptions of what was our normal lives. During the last 2 years I & The Chapel Creek Neighborhood Association Board have continued to work behind the scenes on many concerns and issues of our community Including :
1) Working on improved mobility and infrastructure planning for our community as a whole
2) Negotiating for improvements to coming development proposals where we can
3) Keeping people updated through email & Nextdoor about important developments & information
4) Advocating for Bond funding for Chuck Silcox Park Improvements which was voted for approval ( working soon on desires of neighborhood for that approved funding )
However during these last 2 -3 years we have lost all but myself on our Friends of Chuck Silcox Park 501C non profit Committee Board Members due to several moving away or due to personal issues unable to continue serving. I want to resurrect this group to continue to work for our community park funding, projects & improvements and input our neighborhoods desires. WE need a person as Treasurer and at east 2 others to serve as Board Members of FCSP .
The Chapel Creek Neighborhood also lost Tim Veitch our long serving Vice President who has recently moved away also. So We are seeking someone to step in to that role OR anyone one who might want to consider stepping in with their talents in our coming Board elections to one of our other Board positions President , Secretary , Treasurer or Vice President . I have been committed to CCNA since our inception and believe in our work for our neighborhood and community. However we need the belief of others to step up to continue and carry on our goals & mission.
IF ANYONE would like to inquire about these volunteer positions Please contact me I'd be pleased to discuss with you and pray for responses.
Thank You Please Consider Making a Difference where you make your Home Our CCNA Motto has always been " Working Together to Make a Better Neighborhood"
Gary Hogan President CCNA & Lead Committee Member Friends of Chuck Silcox Park .
CCNA Web Site :
CCNA Facebook :
also consider joining us on NEXTDOOR : ChapelCreekFW
Friends of Chuck Silcox Parkweb site :